Monday 19 May 2014

Lyssa here! Welcome to Monday and the Monday Challenge.  

Someone asked if it was okay to just join in. Oh heck yes! The more the merrier, and the more people who link up, the more brilliant work we get to read and share. Anyone reading this who is in two minds about jumping in - come right in and get comfy. Invite your friends. Both Lyssa Medana and Thomas Marlowe are on Facebook and always happy to get new friends, and if you want to link and share this blog's facebook page please, please do - linky  

The rules of the challenges are actually simple. You look at the picture and the quote and write a piece of fact, fiction or poetry limited to 500 words on a Monday and 100 words on a Friday. (Edit for clarification - a separate Challenge is posted on each of the two days mentioned, one on Monday, one on Friday, each with its own two prompts. You can take part in Monday's challenge, or Friday's or preferably both!) 

Treat others how you would love to be treated and comment kindly. Any questions please contact us on the contact button or comment below. We are safe people, promise!

Are you ready to start the week?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 500 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.  

Here is the picture prompt. Please credit it if you use it in your own blog.

Picture by Ayla87 on

Here is the quote

I stood on the bridge at midnight as the clocks were striking the hour -Longfellow

It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Sometimes it is nice to just let someone know that their writing hit the spot.  Sometimes you can give a little help with a suggestion or hint.  Please comment on the other writers as much as you feel able.  The rule with that is the quote from WB Yeats, 'I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.'  These posts are someone's dreams.


  1. I am visiting 'Light and Shade Challenge ' for the first time. A little confusion.
    A write-up on the pic prompt of tea cups and saucers of 500 words on Monday and the quote , 'I stood.................' 100 words on Friday. these are two separate challenges. Am I right?

    1. Hi Kalpana - thanks for joining in and commenting. In fact there are two separate challenges each week, and each has its own prompts. The picture and quote are both options for the Monday Challenge (500 words) and you can use either one of the options (or both) for your 500 word entry. A new challenge with a new picture and quote will be posted on Friday for the 100 word challenge.

      It's really good to see you joining in - I look forward to reading your contributions.

  2. This is my first time here, hope I got it right. Will think up somthing on pic on friday :)

    1. I love your entry - thanks so much for joining in. Friday will see a new Challenge with its own picture and quotation, and I really hope you'll be inspired by those too.

  3. This is my first time here.. u are providing an awesome platform for people to connect and share... would love to c my post here someday...

    1. Please jump in! Everyone is welcome. You only ever get better at writing by writing more, so go for it. Join in as often or as little as you like. If you want to know a bit more use the contact button and one of us will get back to you. Lyssa M x

  4. Love the photo prompt. It reminded me of my photo of beach umbrellas lined up at a beachside cafe. The repetition and geometric sense of balance inspired this entry:

    1. I'm really glad it sparked off a great piece! (and I really enjoyed it) Lyssa M x


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