Challenge Friday 16th May

Lyssa here (supervised by Tom) Welcome to Friday and the Friday Challenge

Are you ready for the weekend?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 100 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.  

This Friday I've included a picture that I took myself. I am in awe at some of the photos that some of the contributors take, and this is definitely not up to some of the amazing pictures that I see on the blogs that get linked here and that I saw on Trifecta. This is just something I saw and took a picture with a camera phone, and I hope you can do something with it.

Here is the picture prompt.

Lyssa Medana
Here is the quote.

Sears, Roebuck, and Co., Consumer's Guide, 1897

It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Sometimes it is nice to just let someone know that their writing hit the spot.  Sometimes you can give a little help with a suggestion or hint.  Please comment on the other writers as much as you feel able.  The rule with that is the quote from WB Yeats, 'I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.'  These posts are someone's dreams.  

Link up below:

1. E.W. Storch  6. Jetgirl  11. Thomas Marlowe  
2. KymmInBarcelona  7. TNKerr  12. Renee  
3. James Atkinson  8. Thin spiral notebook  13. Aileen  
4. Kathy Combs  9. Aesop Clerk  
5. martha0stout  10. Lyssa Medana  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Not sure of Internet over the weekend, but will surely catch up on Sunday night : )

    1. It will be great to see you when you get back, and thank you for the story. Lyssa M x

  2. (*grins*) This was perfect to start with today!

    1. We are really happy that we could give you a happy start. Thank you so much for jumping in. Lyssa M x

  3. Thanks for the challenge!

    1. You are more than welcome - thank YOU for jumping in. Lyssa M x

  4. I hope it's OK that I came to play. Tons of fun, thanks for doing this!

    1. You are very welcome indeed. I hope you enjoy it here. Lyssa M x

  5. Snuck in with something...

    1. So glad you did - it's brilliant to see you joining in.


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