
Showing posts from June, 2014

Light and Shade Challenge Monday 30 June 2014

Welcome to Monday and the Monday Challenge Are you ready to start the week?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 500 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt.  Please credit it if you use it on your own blog. Image courtesy of gesinek on Here is the quote "Tell them I came, and no one answered, That I kept my word," he said. - Walter de la Mare, The Listeners It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Sometimes it is nice to just let someone know that their writing hit

Light and Shade Challenge Friday 27 June 2014

Welcome to Friday and the Friday Challenge Are you ready for the weekend?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 100 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt.  Please credit it if you use it on your own blog. Picture by saavem on Here is the quote One swallow does not make a summer.  Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) , It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Sometimes it is nice to just let someone know that their writing hit the spot.  Sometimes you can give a little help with a suggestio

Light and Shade Challenge Monday 23 June 2014

Welcome to Monday and the Monday Challenge Are you ready to start the week?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 500 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt.  Please credit it if you use it on your own blog. After Thomas' imp I thought I would add the picture I took of a small alleyway in Whitby Here is the quote You pays your money and you takes your choice - caption on a Punch cartoon It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Sometimes it is nice to just let someone know that their writing hit th

Light and Shade Challenge Friday 20th June 2014

Are you ready for the weekend?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 100 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt.  Please credit it if you use it on your own blog. Here is the quote When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush     Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring                                                                                         Spring Gerard Manley Hopkins  It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Som

Light and Shade Challenge Monday 16th June 2014

Are you ready to start the week?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 500 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.   Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt. As it is the middle of summer here and nowhere near any date when I would use fireworks I thought now was a good time to include my attempt at photographing a silver fountain firework taken on Bonfire Night, 5 November, and freezing cold.   Lyssa Medana Here is the quote I don’t know what it is used for, though I daresay it would take some rubbing to get it out of the carpet - Bill Bryson, Mother Tongue, footnote Chapter 10 It is really

Challenge - Friday 13th June 2014

Are you ready for the weekend?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 100 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt. Please credit it if you use it on your own blog. photo by jazza on Here is the quote. Prove it. It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Sometimes it is nice to just let someone know that their writing hit the spot.  Sometimes you can give a little help with a suggestion or hint.  Please comment on the other writers as much as you feel able.  The rule with that is the quote from WB Y

Light and Shade Challenge Monday 9th June 2014

Welcome to Monday and the Monday Challenge Are you ready to start the week?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 500 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt.  Please credit it if you use it on your own blog. Image taken by Thomas Marlowe on the streets of the city of York Here is the quote You should go to a pear tree for pears, not to an elm. Publilius Syrus  (~100 BC) , Maxims It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Sometimes it is nice to just let someone know that their writing hit the sp

Light and Shade Challenge Friday 6th June 2014

Welcome to Friday and the Friday Challenge Are you ready for the weekend?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 100 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt.  Please credit it if you use it on your own blog. Image taken by Lyssa Medana Here is the quote That is one of those instructions that are so much easier to write than to carry out. 'Just pop the pill down the cat's throat' is another one. The Housewife's Handbook,  Rachel Simhon It is really encouraging to have

Light and Shade Challenge Monday 2nd June 2014

Thomas Marlowe here - Lyssa's back from her well deserved holiday but I'm handling posting the challenge for Monday partly to give her a rest, but also out of gratitude for the tremendous gift she brought back from her time by the sea (I'm thrilled, and posted about it at Marlowe Manor ) Anyway, on with the motley! Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 500 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them directly in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt.  Please credit it if you use it on your own blog. The image was taken by Aesop Clark one of our regular and much admired contributors.  Aesop has load