
Showing posts from May, 2014

Light and Shade Challenge Friday 30th May 2014

Welcome to Friday and the Friday Challenge Thomas Marlowe here - as Lyssa is away for a week's holiday by the sea. Are you ready for the weekend?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 100 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt.  Please credit it if you use it on your own blog. Image courtesy of hisks on Here is the quote Don't ever take a fence down until you know the reason it was put up. G K Chesterton It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Som...

Light and Shade Challenge Monday 26th May 2014

Are you ready to start the week?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 500 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt.  Please credit it if you use it on your own blog. Image courtesy of wax115 on Here is the quote Anyone breaking these rules will be loved and forgiven in the usual manner From part of a sign in a shop in York, UK It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Sometimes it is nice to just let someone know that their writ...

Light and Shade Challenge Friday 23rd May 2014

Are you ready for the weekend?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 100 words or less !  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Don't forget, if you want to do the Monday prompt as well and you haven't yet managed it, there is still time. Just scroll down and have a look. That prompt also finishes at noon GMT on Sunday. You don't have to do both. You can do one, both or neither. The aim is to have fun. Here is the picture prompt. Please give credit if you use it on your own blog. photo by sulaco229 at Here is the quote. the rarest chords in the soul's harmon...

Monday 19 May 2014

Lyssa here! Welcome to Monday and the Monday Challenge.   Someone asked if it was okay to just join in. Oh heck yes! The more the merrier, and the more people who link up, the more brilliant work we get to read and share. Anyone reading this who is in two minds about jumping in - come right in and get comfy. Invite your friends. Both Lyssa Medana and Thomas Marlowe are on Facebook and always happy to get new friends, and if you want to link and share this blog's facebook page please, please do - linky   The rules of the challenges are actually simple. You look at the picture and the quote and write a piece of fact, fiction or poetry limited to 500 words on a Monday and 100 words on a Friday. (Edit for clarification - a separate Challenge is posted on each of the two days mentioned, one on Monday, one on Friday, each with its own two prompts. You can take part in Monday's challenge, or Friday's or preferably both!)  Treat others how you would love to be t...

Challenge Friday 16th May

Lyssa here (supervised by Tom) Welcome to Friday and the Friday Challenge Are you ready for the weekend?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 100 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until next Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   This Friday I've included a picture that I took myself. I am in awe at some of the photos that some of the contributors take, and this is definitely not up to some of the amazing pictures that I see on the blogs that get linked here and that I saw on Trifecta. This is just something I saw and took a picture with a camera phone, and I hope you can do something with it. Here is th...

Challenge - Monday 12th May 2014

Welcome to Monday and the Monday Challenge It's been an amazing second week of the Light and Shade Challenge. Tom and I have been sharing notes and we have enjoyed reading the contributions so much. I have literally laughed out loud and been close to tears. I am in awe. If you have any feedback, suggestions or ideas please let us know. Do you think the two challenges in the week are a good idea or too much? How do you like the word count - too high, too low or just right? We started the Light and Shade Challenge because we were missing Trifecta, not because we thought we knew all the answers, so we are really grateful to get any feedback. Anyway, are you ready to start the week?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 500 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiratio...

Challenge Friday 9th May

There were some really great replies to the last three prompts. I feel a bit like a child in a sweet shop myself dipping in to all the different stories. Some were dark, some sunny and the standard was impressive. Thank you for sharing. Don't forget that Monday's prompt here is still running. Both Monday and Friday's challenges finish on Sunday at noon. On to the fourth challenge. Are you ready to start the weekend?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 100 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.  You have until Sunday at noon GMT so go for it.  Have fun, write some stuff and then use the link underneath to let people see it.   Here is the picture prompt, please credit if you use it on your own blog Pic...

Challenge - Monday 5th May 2014

Lyssa here - First up, Michael Grieg asked us to credit the pictures that we have used.  This raised a really important principle.  Copyright is really important. I apologise that we haven't done so before, and have gone back and added in the credits. When Thomas Marlowe and I first started talking about a challenge we knew we wanted a picture prompt as well as a quotation.  Hand on heart, every picture we have put up has been from free picture sites.  We are not professional photographers.  I have seen some of your blogs and I am completely in awe and very aware of my shortcomings.  We will credit and hope that any exposure will help those who take such amazing photos and are kind enough to share.  We are also keeping an eye out and our camera phones handy, and you may see our work come up as well. Please, please get in touch with any questions or comments.  It is great that Michael got in touch because it makes sure we do the right thing. ...

Challenge - Friday 2nd May 2014

I can't believe how many people have jumped in with this. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the wonderful support. The replies to the challenge have been stunning, there has been some amazing work done. It is still really exciting here and a lot of ideas are being thrown around. We are still settling into things, so please let us know in the comments or on facebook if you have any suggestions or just want to let us know what you think. Anyway, are you ready for the weekend?  Below you will find two prompts, one a picture and one a quote.  Have a look and see what story they inspire you to tell and then go for it - in 100 words or less!  You can use one or both and you don't need to refer to them directly in your writing, just follow that spark of inspiration whether it is fact, fiction or poetry.   Here is the picture prompt. Please credit if you use it. Picture by johnnyberg on And here is the quote: She tells enough ...