Wednesday 12 April 2017

Hello and welcome all to the latest weekly writing challenge.  There is a picture, a quotation and a 500 word limit. The Challenge is to take whatever is sparked by the picture and/or the quotation, however tenuous or remote the connection, and see how much fun you can have in 500 words (just between us we never count them as long as we're enjoying things and you are too, but don't tell anyone). The deadline is midnight next Tuesday (GMT) Here is the picture prompt. Please credit if you show it on your blog.

Today there is no quotation!

SOMETHING DIFFERENT!  Classic FM, a radio station based in the UK that plays only classical music, compile a top 300 pieces every year, based on votes sent in by the public and played over the long weekend from Good Friday to Easter Monday.  You can read about it here.  It has all sorts, from the dramatic Beethoven, the lyrical Vaughan Williams, the meticulous Bach to the evocative sound track from the computer game, Final Fantasy - yes, really!  

Every year I vote, and I always vote for the same three: Sonata Pathetique by Beethoven, Fingal's Cave by Mendelssohn and Danse Macabre by Saint Saens.  Fingal's Cave and Danse Macabre come with their own stories so I thought that I would link to three different versions of Sonata Pathetique on YouTube (other versions are available) to see what that sparked.  They are 

Here and

It is really encouraging to have comments on your work and it can give people a real lift.  Sometimes it is nice to just let someone know that their writing hit the spot.  Sometimes you can give a little help with a suggestion or hint.  Please comment on the other writers as much as you feel able.  The rule with that is the quote from WB Yeats, 'I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.'  These posts are someone's dreams.


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